Allegation week

Aku benci minggu ni.

Minggu ni penuh dgn tuduhan.

Tuduhan yg melulu ke arah aku.

Kenapa aku yg menjadi mangsa.

Aku tak pernah buat tuduhan pd sesiapa pon.

I am truly sad.

Don't just simply accuse me.

I am innocent.

There's some part that I made mistake.

But not all.

Don't accuse me like I made all the mistakes.

Cynical or not, it is up to you.

You have chosen your path.

I have no right to barricade.

You have your own life and I was happy to hear that.

I also have my own life now.

From now on, pretend that we never know each other.

I felt sorry for myself to fall for you.

I am not supposed to fell for you at the first place.

Anyway, thank you very much for all these while.

You are now no longer a person that I know.

We are strangers.

Enough said....


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