Finally the entry is here. Started from Saturday (31.07.2010) straight till Monday (02.08.2010), I've been busy with the preparation of the 2nd HSE Day 2010 : 450K Manhours Without Lost Time Injury (LTI). The event was held on Tuesday (03.08.2010) and was a successful one! Good job team...
The event was held as an appreciation to all the gents that made the project successful! Congratulations to MRU Project Team in making the Shutdown & Start-up of Cakerawala Platform succeed with glory.
It is the collaboration between CSB & EMESB. Event was handled by EMESB selected committee—one of them, is me. =P Here are some pictures that I have collected from other photographer. Enjoy the picture lads & gents.
These are the two lancers that we have on our last day of preparation. |
They were watching the pictures of our futsal tourney. |
Sometimes they can be the jokers also. LOL! |
Our Manpower Coordinator preparing for the buffet tables. |
Our QS/Estimator as the Emcee on the day. Practice makes perfect. |
That was it! Till next time lads & gents. There are tonnes of pictures that I will upload again later. See ya! Babaiiii...